June 15, 2010

Goal Brazil!

It's my 1st World Cup!
Goooooooooooal Brazil!

June 14, 2010

A cold, but sunny weekend

We have had the coldest days ever! So, what could be better than going to the park, meeting new friends, taking a sunbath, running off leash...? Btw, I met 6 goldens there yesterday! It's a record number in this park!

June 4, 2010

A nice Sunday at "Cachorródromo"

30/05/2010 - A walk at "Cachorródromo" in Moema, São Paulo Capital.
Yupi! We met some Net friends in person:

Golden João

João's sister, Golden mix Dayana

Lab Toddy and Francesco

Bernese Eros, who fell in love with me!

And now the video:

I was hoping, but we didn't meet our blogger friend Thor there...
Who knows next time...