September 27, 2009

Goodbye, Luna!

My 6-month-old Brazilian little friend, Luna, passed away this morning.

Rest in peace, dear friend. We love you!

September 22, 2009

Augie, Ti and Aunt Donna rock on Mom's B'day Week!

Mom's birthday is this Saturday. My cousins Augie, Ti and Aunt Donna made a B'day video for her!

How cute is that? They also sent presents!

Of course we made a video of their presents!

Thank you, Augie, Ti and Aunt Donna! You all really rock!!!

September 21, 2009

Kimba x The painters

My home has been a chaos these last days.

I want my sleeping corners back! Sniff... sniff...

September 17, 2009

Cristal, Sissi, Negão and me!

In my daily morning walks, I've made some cool friends like big girl Cristal, little girl Sissi and big black boy Negão.

September 13, 2009

Plan "B" for Rainy Days

What do I do when I really cannot go out because of the rain? Finally Dad finished making the video so that I can share it with you:

September 6, 2009

Three Musketeers and Two Princesses

Last Sunday we had a playdate of 5 golden friends: 5-month-old Luna, 23-month-old Huck, 21-month-old Zaki, a new friend Lana and I. Yupppi, our Golden Club is growing!

September 5, 2009

Coming across my friend Thom

I first met Thom when I was about 6 months old. WOW, more than a year! Sometimes I come across him in the streets during our walks, but we never had a playdate. His Dad says that Tom doesn't like male doggies, but me. Hehehe. So, who knows one day we'll have a playdate. Last week, we came across him again. Oh, I wish I were off leash so that we could have played a bit. Humpfft!