November 18, 2009

My last meeting with Luna

Last September, I went on a playdate with Zaki, Huck and Luna. Actually I didn't know it was going to be my last meeting with Luna. She died a few days later at 6 months old. Nobody knows exactly what happened. Her Mom said it could be something Luna ate, or she was stung by an insect, or it was something related to her heart... Luna was taken to the vet asap and was expected to be fine the next day. When her Mom woke up and went to see her, she was already dead. Luna's family was totally devastated. Such an unexpected tragedy! Such a cute young girl!

Cute Luna

So, I dedicate this video to her.


Elizabeth Bergesen said...

What a beautiful little girl. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tribute!!

Elizabeth & Luna

Farley said...

It still makes us so sad that she had such a short life :( It's so nice of you to post this nice memory of your time together Kimba!

Miss ViVi Gold said...

I am so saddened, heartbroken, hurt, pained to read this tragic news of such a young beauty. Luna looks very much like ViVi, who is going to be 5-months in 2 more days. I'm so sorry. How did Luna die? Did she get sick suddenly? Was there a terrible accident? It is so hard to believe.

Thor and Jack said...

So sad to read about your friend Luna. That´s a beautiful tribute to her, Kimba.

Kimba said...

Nobody knows exactly what happened.
Her Mom said it could be something Luna ate, or she was stunk by an insect, or it was something related to her heart...
Luna was taken to the vet asap and was supposed to be fine the next day. When her Mom woke up, Luna was already dead.
Luna's family was totally devastated. Such an unexpected tragedy! Such a cute young girl! :(

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Hi There I'm Sugar. Just found your blog. Thanks for sharing Luna's short life ... it is terrible. LOVE the video tribute. Looking forward to your visit to my blog and friendship. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sierra Rose said...

Oh so sad!!! What a sweet beautiful gal Luna was. So sorry.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Dino and Family said...

That video totally broke my heart. What a sweet girl and you have made a beautiful video in memory of her. Love, Dino

Unknown said...

Oh, what a terrible, sad story!! We didn't know Luna but she looked like a wonderful girl. So tragic to be taken so young!!