April 24, 2010

My Eating Routine

When I was a little puppy, I used to swallow my food! Mom and Dad were worried about it and decided to give me food little by little:

Since then, it has become my eating routine every morning and night:

At first, Mom and Dad thought they would not have enough patience to follow this routine. But it's already been 21 months since this routine started and they just love this team work and "eye contact" interaction.


1000 Goldens said...

Kimba, you are such a good boy! We enjoyed your video. That is such a smart way to help you eat slower :)

How Sam Sees It said...

Very cute! I think Kimba likes the Mom/Dad time he gets out of it too!


Wrigley said...

I am very impressed. Amazing patience and training!

Wags and Kisses,

Unknown said...

Wow, Kimba - you are so patient...and what perfect eating manners!! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Dino and Family said...

Well done, Kimba! You never fail to impress me! Love, Dino